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Watch how you can use Eigen to rapidly automate the extraction of data from tables.
Watch how you can quickly and accurately derive Maximum Loss from 50 slips.
How does the Eigen platform turn unstructured content, documents, and emails into valuable, usable, structured data? Watch to find out.
Watch how you can quickly and accurately derive the maximum amount recoverable in a total loss scenario in a synthetic MRC.
A five minute introduction to the world's most robust document extraction platform.
Eigen makes extracting data from tables easy. See how in this short (3 min) demo video.
World Economic forum 2020
Gartner Cool Vendor 2020
AI 100 2021
Lazard T100
FT Intelligent Business 2019
FT Intelligent Business 2020
CogX Awards 2019
CogX Awards 2021
Ai BreakThrough Award 2022
CogX Awards Best AI Product in Insurance
FStech 2023 awards shortlisted